package kapitel_04 /** * Beispiel aus * * - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen für Dummies * - von Andreas Gogol-Döring und Thomas Letschert * - Verlag Wiley-VCH; Oktober 2019 * - Kapitel 4, Listen: Immer einer nach dem anderen * * @author A. Gogol-Döring, Th. Letschert */ object AuD_04_03_RandomAccessList_App extends App { object RaList { case class Cell(var content: Int, var next: Cell) var head: Cell = _ def lookUp(index: Int): Int = { var i = 0 var pos = head while (i < index && pos != null) { i = i + 1 pos = } if (pos != null) pos.content else throw new NoSuchElementException } def InsertAtPos(x: Int, index: Int): Unit = { val newCellPtr = Cell(x, null) var prev: Cell = null var pos: Cell = head var i = 0 while (i < index && pos != null) { prev = pos pos = i = i+1 } if (pos == null && i < index) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"no position $index in list") } = pos if (prev == null) head = newCellPtr else = newCellPtr } } for (x <- 0 to 10) { RaList.InsertAtPos(10-x, 0) } for (i <- 0 to 10) { println(s"$i : ${RaList.lookUp(i)}") } RaList.InsertAtPos(55, 5) for (i <- 0 to 11) { println(s"$i : ${RaList.lookUp(i)}") } RaList.InsertAtPos(111, 11) for (i <- 0 to 12) { println(s"$i : ${RaList.lookUp(i)}") } }