package kapitel_07 /** * Beispiel aus * * - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen für Dummies * - von Andreas Gogol-Döring und Thomas Letschert * - Verlag Wiley-VCH; Oktober 2019 * - Kapitel 7, Sortieren * * @author A. Gogol-Döring, Th. Letschert */ import scala.reflect.ClassTag object AuD_07_06_SortWithPrioritiyQueue_App extends App { def PriorityQueueSort(a: Array[Int], l: Int, r: Int): Unit = { val Q = new PriorityQueue((r-l)+1) for (i <- l to r) { Q .push(a(i)) } for (i <- l to r) { a(i) = Q.extractMin() } } class PriorityQueue(size: Int) { // Position 0 bleibt frei val H = new Array[Int](size+1) var n: Int = 0 // Index des letzten Elements (0 ist unbelegt) @inline def swap(i: Int, j: Int): Unit = { val t = H(i) H(i) = H(j) H(j) = t } def push(x: Int): Unit = { H(n+1) = x var i: Int = n+1 var break = false while (i > 1 && !break) { val p: Int = i/2 if (H(i) >= H(p) ) { break = true } else { swap(i, p) i = p } } n = n+1 // !! } def extractMin(): Int = { val x = H(1) H(1) = H(n) var i = 1 var break = false while (i <= n && !break) { var m = i if ( (2*i < n) && (H(2*i) < H(m)) ) { m = 2*i } if ( (2*i+1 < n) && (H(2*i+1) < H(m)) ) { m = 2*i+1 } if (m == i) { break = true } else { swap(m, i) i = m } } n = n-1 // !! x } } val aInt: Array[Int] = Array(6,8,0,2,3,9,7,5,1,4) PriorityQueueSort(aInt, 0, aInt.length-1) println(aInt.mkString(", ")) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Das geht auch generisch: def PriorityQueueSortG[A](a: Array[A], l: Int, r: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[A], ct: ClassTag[A]): Unit = { val Q = new PriorityQueueG[A]((r-l)+1) for (i <- l to r) { Q.push(a(i)) } for (i <- l to r) { a(i) = Q.extractMin() } } class PriorityQueueG[A](size: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[A], ct: ClassTag[A]) { // Position 0 bleibt frei val H = new Array[A](size+1) var n: Int = 0 // Index des letzten Elements (0 ist unbelegt) @inline def swap(i: Int, j: Int): Unit = { val t = H(i) H(i) = H(j) H(j) = t } def push(x: A): Unit = { H(n+1) = x var i: Int = n+1 var break = false while (i > 1 && !break) { val p: Int = i/2 if (ord.gteq(H(i), H(p))) { break = true } else { swap(i, p) i = p } } n = n+1 // !! } def extractMin(): A = { val x = H(1) H(1) = H(n) var i = 1 var break = false while (i <= n && !break) { var m = i if ( (2*i < n) &&*i), H(m)) ) { m = 2*i } if ( (2*i+1 < n) &&*i+1), H(m)) ) { m = 2*i+1 } if (m == i) { break = true } else { swap(m, i) i = m } } n = n-1 // !! x } } // Klasse mit natuerlicher Ordnung case class Worker(name: String, weight: Int) extends Ordered[Worker] { override def compare(o: Worker): Int = this.weight - o.weight } val aWorker = Array( Worker("Alex", 77), Worker("Bert", 72), Worker("Claus", 96), Worker("Dominik", 111), Worker("Emil", 96), Worker("Flo", 122), Worker("Gerd", 75) ) PriorityQueueSortG(aWorker, 0, aWorker.length-1)//implicit: (Ordering[ConstrWorker], scala.reflect.classTag[ConstrWorker]) println(aWorker.mkString(", ")) // Klasse ohne natuerliche Ordnung case class Student(name: String, weight: Int) val aStudent = Array( Student("Alex", 77), Student("Bert", 72), Student("Claus", 96), Student("Dominik", 111), Student("Emil", 96), Student("Flo", 122), Student("Gerd", 75) ) implicit val StudenttOrdering: Ordering[Student] = (x: Student, y: Student) => x.weight - y.weight PriorityQueueSortG[Student](aStudent, 0, aStudent.length-1)//implicit: (StudenttOrdering, scala.reflect.classTag[Student]) println(aStudent.mkString(", ")) }